Max Neuhaus

Three 'Similar' Rooms, 1990

Location: Galleria Giorgio Persano, Turin, Italy, Dimensions: 7 x 6 x 4 meters; 7 x 6 x 4 meters;
6 x 6 x 4 meters
Extant: 1990–Present

Image: Max Neuhaus Text panel

© The Estate of Max Neuhaus

A permanent work, Three ‘Similar’ Rooms at Galleria Giorgio Persano (Turin, 1990 – present) deals less explicitly with plausibility. It is more concerned with orientation through sound "color." Each room is saturated with perfectly audible sounds. One encounters the transition fluidly when passing through doorways. The three sonorities are in fact made of two – one for each side room, then combined in the middle, though it is impossible to separate the two from the mixture. A visual analogy might be that of painting each room entirely yellow, blue, and green respectively. But here, the dimensional qualities are extended with sound, not image. The physical likeness and continuity between rooms get undermined with each passage into a differently colored aural space. Over time, the traversals accentuate a nuanced dialogue with external sounds, such as the street noises seeping through the shared windowed wall. m.n.