Max Neuhaus

Sound Figure, 2007

Sound Work Location: The Menil Collection, Houston, Dimensions: 4 x 4 meters.Collection: The Menil Collection.
Extant: 2008-Present. 

The work is sited, unmarked, on the walkway leading to the main entrance to the museum about 6 meters (20 feet) before its doors. Available 24 hours per day.

As you enter The Menil Collection through its main entrance, you may  become aware of a sound, or more precisely a sound shape: quite  literally a configuration of sound in space. Not louder than the noises  you were (probably) unaware of before, not sudden or alarming, but  distinct—a volume of sound redefining the passageway into the  museum.   The source of this elusive, yet spatially contained, aural field is Max  Neuhaus’ Sound Figure, 2007. Commissioned  by The Menil  Collection, this work flanks the walkway about twenty feet before  the doors to the main entrance.

(Video interview)