Max Neuhaus

AMERICAN CAN, NEW YORK FESTIVAL OF THE AVANT GARDE, exhibition on the work of Charlotte Moorman. 2016

 Block Museum, Northwestern University, January 16-July 17, 2016

The lids will be placed directly on the floor to create a sculptural mass that will be activated by the visitors walking on the can lids and creating sound in the exhibition, as the score suggests. 

for an exhibition on the work of Charlotte Moorman. NEW YORK FESTIVAL OF THE AVANT GARDE [2016 VERSION] In the exhibition A Feast of Astonishments: Charlotte Moorman and the Avant-Garde, 1960s-1980s. This exhibition will be the first ever to examine the creative activities and legacy of Charlotte Moorman (1933–1991), visual and performance artist, musician, producer, organizer, and formidable advocate for the artistic avant-garde in late 20th century.