Max Neuhaus


“Notes on the Drawings.” In Max Neuhaus, Drawings. Sound works volume II, edited by Max Neuhaus & Greg Desjardins, 9–11. Ostfildern: Cantz, 1994

Siren [in German], Welt auf töneren Füssen (Göttingen) Schriftenreihe Forum, Band 2 (1994)

“Evoking the Aural,” a retrospective exhibition of drawings from the Place works, organized by Villa Arson, Nice, and Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Castello di Rivoli, Turin 1995

Sound character and sound textures by Max Neuhaus, 1995

netzwerke, Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (Mainz) Nr. 5 (September-October 2004)

'Vortrag Neuhaus', International Academy of Philosophy of Art, End of Art - Endings in Art (Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 2006)

De Max-Feed à Radio Net, von Anne Zeitz